How an interview is like a first date!

26 March 2018 Victoria Butt

Vic   How An Interview Is Like A 1st Date

​I’ve often reflected that there are strong similarities between interviewing someone and going on a first date!

Regardless of which side of the table you are on, interviewing is a game of fit, chemistry and alignment. You dress accordingly, present the best version of yourself, and you desperately try to find common ground and alignment. Do we not all do this when we date someone?

What lessons can we learn from dating that we can translate into interviewing for a new role?

1. If you do not feel the chemistry, neither will they.

Interviewing can be as emotive as dating and therefore there is no reason why you do not emotionally prepare for interviewing as you would do for dating.  If you do not sense chemistry in the interview, the likelihood is, they will not either.

2. It’s not personal!

The feedback that you receive via your recruiter is rarely personal and it’s crucial that you do not take it personally. If you are told they did not feel you were a ‘culture fit’ to their organisation/team, it is likely that you would hate working there!

3. Put the best version of yourself forward.

Whether it is your attire, how you feel or your preparation, it is important to be honest and upfront about who you are as a person, your values, strengths and hobbies.

4. Only pursue if it’s a great fit. 

Spending 8 hours plus each day within one environment means you need to give it the same amount of consideration that you would if you were selecting a life partner.

5. Don’t be too keen.

Contacting the interviewer straight after via email is not always the best way to play things. If you have agreed to send them some further information, send it via the appropriate channels such as your recruiter. When requesting feedback, similarly to dating, do not request feedback too quickly. Recruitment is only one small part of their day and they may not always prioritise it as much as you will.

“A great interview is like a great first date – there is chemistry, agreed next steps and confidence that the fit is strong”


Victoria Butt is the Managing Director at Parity Consulting, recruiting for Executive and Senior roles in Product, Marketing and Communications. Whilst she enjoys her wine and considers diving with sharks to be an enjoyable holiday activity, professionally she is an emerging voice for women in financial services and is an active member in the Product business community. Contact her on +61 402 418 326 or for a confidential conversation today!